Note: All lists are sorted by preference.
Names in the list with an asterisk have added or changed items on their wishlist within the last 7 days. If you have questions or experience problems with the site please contact me at
admin @ Happy shopping!
The basics:
- Selecting a person's name will cause the page to display their list.
- Use the checkboxes directly above the list to be notified about changes to a person's list.
- Click on the to to view a web site that provides more information about the item.
- Click on the to indicate an item which you have purchased. This will help prevent people receiving duplicate items. (NOTE: You can only see the status of items for lists other than your own.)
- Click on the to unmark an item as purchased. (NOTE: Only the person who last marked the item "purchased" can undo it.)
- Click on the to add a note for other buyers. This is particularly useful if you only intend to buy a certain part of the item.
- Click on the to edit the item.
- Click on the to delete the item.
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